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I thought I'd share a little information and an excerpt from Zytarri 1: Virgin Blood.

ISBN: 978-1-59632-346-9
Author Website:
Zytarri website:
Purchase Link:
Synopsis: Katriel Saguna is heir to the House of Leah, descendant of an ancient predatory race once labeled bloodhunters. Centuries of vigilance have culminated in a guarded, civilized society able to trade peacefully with other worlds without fear of annihilation. Ingestion of blood is still a requirement for Sangorrians such as Katriel–dragon's blood being the main source for youth and unattached Sangorrians. Without it they would die. The time has come for Katriel to bond with an offworlder–the Primary Alpha chosen by her mother, Mistress Leora Saguna. His will be the only human blood she will ingest. He will become her partner, her protector, her lover–and her source of life...
The civilized society Katriel has always known is about to be torn apart. Will Valyn be able to protect her or is he already too late?
Leora again studied him silently for a long time. Slowly she rose to her feet and walked around the side of the desk. "Disrobe, please. I wish to confirm the replica was not altered concerning your suitability and lack of abnormalities."
He had known this was coming. A part of him rebelled at being ordered to disrobe before her, but he raised his hands and unbuttoned the brown robe, allowing it to drop to the floor at his feet. He then returned to the stance of respect and waited, focusing his attention on the window just past where Noah stood.
Leora walked toward him. He felt her assessing gaze as it roved over him and refused to let it shake him or respond to it.
She slowly circuited him, apparently studying him from every angle. She stopped to examine the long slashing wound on his arm, seemed to assess each bruise and cut, categorizing every nuance of his body.
Finally, she halted in front of him and nodded. "Your wounds are a reflection of your bravery. It is my opinion that you are well-suited as a mate for my daughter. Your conduct and bravery have already shown you will be a good protector. You may ..."
The door to her office burst open, interrupting her words.
"Mother, please ..." a frantic feminine voice spoke from behind him, then stopped abruptly.
Valyn, unashamed of his nakedness, turned his head to see who was there and was shocked to find himself staring into the startled gaze of his soon-to-be mate. She was everything he had remembered, and more so. Her long dark hair fell in dishevelment about her face, her breasts heaved with agitation, and her pale pink lips were rounded in apparent shock. But what surprised him most was the dilated dark smoky depths of her eyes. Darkened with what could only be lust.
She had eyes for no one else in the room once she saw him standing there. He saw tears pool within their depths, the startled recognition. "What is your name?" she whispered hoarsely.
He turned toward her, and her mouth gaped wider; her eyes dilated more intensely, and he saw her hands clench at her side.
"My name is Valyn, Lady. I have come for you as I vowed I would."
"Valyn," she repeated. Her small pink tongue licked at her succulent lips, tears trailing down her face. He felt his cock take on a life of its own. "You have come. It is truly you? How can this be?"
"I made you a promise, and it has led me to this path."
"Katri, you should not be here," her mother protested.
Katriel turned to look at her mother with panicked, glazed eyes. "I need him, Mother. How you found him, I do not know, but I need him desperately." She glanced back at him.
He took a step toward her and stopped, not wanting to frighten her. Instead, she stepped to where he waited. Valyn could smell her arousal as she neared him. He cupped her face and lowered his head. She closed her eyes and sighed as he dropped forward to capture her lips. Nothing and no one else in this room mattered. Only the woman who offered herself to him -- the woman he had yearned for all these years, and for whom he had prepared himself to take.
Had anything ever tasted as sweet, and had any woman felt like such absolute bliss? Deepening the kiss, she opened to him, and he felt her hands inch upward along his bare chest, felt a sharp prick as her nails dug into his flesh. Ah, sweet pain. Unlike the ache of battle, this intensity of feeling was far different. He wanted more, needed to feel her fangs piercing him as he sank his cock into her pussy.
Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, he tasted her, grazed against her petite incisor and tasted his own blood as it filled her mouth. As though galvanized, she sucked, then sucked harder, opened her eyes wide, staring at him as his lifeblood spilled into her. She curled closer to his body, her nails digging deeper into his chest.
Yes, oh gods, yes. If only we were alone. It was not true pain he felt but an aching need to claim her, to burrow his cock deep inside her hot, tight channel. He wanted to feel her pulsing around him, clasping him, wanted --
He lifted his head to gaze down at her. She moaned, her claws retracted from his chest, and she collapsed in his arms, her eyelids fluttering closed. He caught her and lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the lounge chair he had seen upon entering the office.
Don't forget to check out the video trailer here at myspace in my video section.
Thanks for letting me share.