Saturday, May 17, 2008

Romance and NASCAR Racing

My daughter and SIL, and my MIL are really into racing. My MIL sent me the link to this article this morning that links up NASCAR driver Carl Edward and Harlequin to a very romantic proposal. I so love a good romantic story. I wanted to share.

Romantic Proposal and NASCAR Driver, Edwards.



Friday, May 16, 2008

Primal Magic: Swan's Lake - Podcast of First Chapter Available

Conventions kept me dizzy over the last month or so and I didn't get a chance to post any new podcast excerpts lately. But this week I'm back in business. Today I posted a first chapter excerpt podcast of Primal Magic: Swan's Lake.

Primal Magic: Swan's Lake by Adrianna Dane

Purchase Link:


A sensual tale of seductive shifters, good vs. evil, and dark, enchanted lust vs. a unique, pure and passionate love in the magical world of Vallariana. Managing to free herself from a brutal captor, Martine, a swanshifter, escapes through the swan arch landing in the enchanted world of Vallariana.

Podcast link:

If you'd like to read a short excerpt from Swan's Lake, here's a link for that, too:

The cool thing about this podcast is that it is available to download to iTunes. :-)

Photo of swan taken by LadyB

Enjoy your weekend!


"Passionate stories with adventurous heart"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Perspective in Editing

I'm reading a book on craft right now titled "The Artful Edit" by Susan Bell. (Thanks to my friend, Lacey Savage, for the gift of this book.) It's an interesting read and offers some good food for thought. In particular, in Chapter One, there's a subsection titled "The Hang-Up or Lay-Out." Utilizing this technique in the editing process can be very visual and enlightening. Consider this partial definition for "perspective."

Perspective: the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed, b. the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. --Webster's

Bell suggests stringing a line and clipping each page of the chapter to the clothesline to gain a visual perspective and cadence to the written word. Somehow you see the writing differently, say, long and short paragraphs, and the balance of text. Visually, does something not look quite right? Maybe it just looks out of whack. It also suggests that some people lay their pages out on the floor rather than hanging them up.

I guess I found this interesting because I have a novel right now which has moved into the never-ending edit realm. I was really dissatisfied with the first chapter, but I couldn't quite lay my finger on the exact problem.

Finally, one day, I printed out two copies of Chapter One. The first I set aside to keep as a road map to my original destination. The second one I cut up like paperdolls. I cut each paragraph of the chapter out, page by page, and then I played around with the wording. I have several white boards here that I picked up from Home Depot rather inexpensively and upended one of them. Well, actually two of them. I then grabbed some tape and started storyboarding my chapter project. I cut, I added, I switched around. I made notes. Somehow I did come up with a better feel for the chapter. Then I taped all the little pieces to blank white sheets of paper in the order I wanted them. Once I had them all aligned, I went back to the second printed out copy and numbered the paragraphs and then returned to the computer to edit my chapter. Well, actually, I think I sort of numbered them as I was going along, but I tried to make a more legible copy. I might add that during the course of this editing process several pages were removed from the chapter. A few bits and pieces added.

It sounds like a long, drawn out process, but I felt the chapter and the story benefited from the task. It's the first time I did something like that, but not the only one. And I know it's a process I'll use again. It's amazing where frustration can lead you.

So, lining pages up on a clothesline really wouldn't be a far stretch for me. It's certainly something I'd be inclined to try.

Are there any out-of-the-ordinary editing rituals you have?


Monday, May 12, 2008

New Paperback Anthology - Tapestry of Desire

I'm really excited about the scheduled release in May for my latest collection of erotic romance. Preorder now at I love the cover for this newest collection, which was created by Trace Edward Zaber.

Here's a little about Tapestry of Desire:

Searing desire and passionate devotion, captivating stories as varied and seductive as the land itself. From the mountains of the West to the shores of the East. From the Civil War to the new military, or in your own neighborhood. Tapestry of Desire is a rich and vibrant collection of erotic stories steeped in sensuality. A mountain climber, a hockey player, an ex-Civil War soldier, a contemporary Army captain, and never forget the boy who lives right next door. Each man will fight to claim his woman, each woman driven to possess the heart and passion of her man.

Included in this collection of stories by Adrianna Dane:

Jebediah's Promise. Captain Jebediah Holliday made a promise to his wife--one he's determined to keep. A hero's face comes in many guises.

Breathless Peaks. A mountain, a rugged man, and a powerful passion that would demand her personal best before allowing her to ascend to the summit of desire.

The Boy Next Door. Two houses side by side, one filled with hate, the other with love. He'd come back for the love. Would hate be all that remained?

Therapy. Rick's idea of seductive therapy to assist his lover in overcoming her memories of a previous love affair gone terribly wrong, might be exactly what Chris needs.

The Diary of Lillian Manchester: The Stranger. A man scarred by his past...a woman of fiery passion and spirit...and a secret mission that could kill them both...

Read the reviews for these stories at my website.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Be Careful Where You Attach It

So, what did you think I was talking about? The subject today is anklets and which ankle you should be wearing that little bracelet on.

When I was writing my story, Achilles' Charm, I did a little bit of research about anklets. There are some days when I think I sit with my head in the sand. Everyday you get a new education about something. Who knew that wearing an anklet on the left ankle could mean you're a swinger? Not me, that's for sure. But you probably knew that, didn't you? Which just proves my point--I'm utterly clueless sometimes.

Ever heard the term "hot wife?" It was a new term to me. Apparently it means a wife who likes to swing, who has a husband who agrees to remain monogomous while she does it. Well, that isn't what Achilles' Charm is about. My hero in this story is quite monogomous and so is the woman he loves. He simply has this fetish about the curve of a woman's ankle. And he's really, really entranced by our heroine.

But anyway, be careful which ankle you adorn with that anklet.

And did you know they actually make these things with special charms that are recognized by the swinging community? Really, I'm not kidding.

It never ceases to amaze me about the tidbits of information I discover when researching an erotic story. All I was looking for was a little bit of additional history so I could write this blog about ankle bracelets.

I happen to be left-handed, so I tend to go for my left ankle when I put on an anklet. Well, not anymore, thank you very much.

I don't think I'll ever look at an ankle bracelet in quite the same way again. "Hot wife." That's a new one on me.

Don't believe me? Just google "hot wife anklet." You'll get an education.

Research can certainly have you ending up with quite a bit more information that you were looking for and sending you flying along some new tangent of thought.

Anyway, no swingers in Achilles' Charm. It's purely, hot erotic romance focusing on the relationship between one man and one woman.

And by the way, Achilles' Charm is now available in Kindle format at Just in case you might like to check it out.


Friday, May 09, 2008

Web 2.0 and Hub Pages

I'm learning...really I am. A bit here and a bit there and I inch my way along. So now we're into Web 2.0, social networking, social bookmarking, and hub pages.

Okay, so as those who know me understand, I'm always adventuring out and trying something new. I'm doing the social networking thing. I'm making trailers and podcasts. I do a monthly newsletter. I post excerpts. Oh yes...and I write stories. :) Please don't take this list as order of importance. Last is ALWAYS best and most important. ;)

So what's the latest?

Hub pages. Hub pages are supposed to be about useful, informative articles. There are some sites where you can make a little money with affiliate links such as Google, Ebay, and Amazon. And it can introduce you to a whole new audience in a non-intrusive, non-promotional fashion. This is not in-your-face marketing. It's softer, gentler marketing. :)

So, anyway, I figured I could do this. I'm sure I have articles hanging around on my computer...or in my head. So I figured I might as well put them to good use. I may be a little slow, but here I go again.

Hub pages are all about information and unique content. Instructional pieces about many and varied topics of interest. Lots and lots of content. Well, I have lots to talk about. If only I could adapt that same theory to blogging. But I'm trying. Some of us are slower at spreading our wings than others.

Anyway, here's the link to my hubpages profile in case you'd like to find out a little bit more about it. Who's Theresa? She's the real-world me, if you didn't already know that. She's the mom, the wife, the crafty person, the daughter, the sister,the traveler, the researcher--the one whose learned lots of things along the way and is ready to share them and maybe introduce people to her muse, fey side in the process.

Want to know a little more about hub pages? Check out this link (but watch out for the pop-up ad). I have a pop-up blocker so the ad didn't come up for me. Anyway, here's the link for a little more information about hub pages and their place in Web 2.0:

And by the way, I just created my first informative article yesterday and I already have a fan. Is that cool or what?


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A Visit to Pittsburgh

In April, I had the opportunity to visit Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Attending the Romantic Times Convention, which takes place in a different city each year, provides me the opportunity to explore new territories. One of the places I visited in Pittsburgh was the First Presbyterian Church located at 320 Sixth Avenue in Pittsburgh.

It was a bit surprising to us to discover this church which is located on a busy street in the midst of towering, modern office buildings. It was like discovering a treasure in the least likely place. But should it really be such a surprise when adventuring along the streets of these cities? Which is part of the fun of taking a city street map and just venturing out and stumbling upon these beautiful surprises.

My friend, Debbie, and I were sort of exploring the downtown area. We did manage to find Macy's and Lord & Taylor, but used restraint when we stumbled upon the shopping area, and our time was limited. Some of the architecture and sculptures were very interesting, and I do love taking photographs. Thank goodness for digital.

The formation of this church dates back to 1758 when the British defeated the French. That defeat took place very close to where our hotel, the Pittsburgh Hilton, is located. As a matter of fact, Caitlyn Willows and I visited the spot where the three rivers (the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio) converge. Oh yes, and there's a bit of a story here, too.

We discovered that quite a bit of downtown Pittsburgh is currently under construction, including the site where these rivers meet and the fountain at Point State Park was not actually working. We were sort of told that one couldn't walk to that area because of the construction. Yeah. Right. They didn't realize they were talking to a couple of authors who don't always handle the "you can't do it" phrase well.

I digress. Back to the church.

Apparently, the 2.5 acres upon which this church was built was originally used as an Indian burial ground. The grounds were used primarily for burial purposes going forward into the 1800's. When the second church was built many of the burials were exhumed and placed into crypts which were constructed for that purpose beneath the church.

The church grounds are currently under renovation and due to the fact that we were there on a weekday and it was late in the day as well, we didn't have an opportunity to go inside the church. Apparently, tours are scheduled after services on Sundays and can also be arranged by calling ahead.

I keep thinking about those underground crypts and Indian burial grounds and I'm thinking there's a story or two building here.

All in all, Pittsburgh was a very interesting city to visit and I came away from my trip with more than a couple of story ideas that will develop along the way. I'm glad I carry my notebook with me, too.

Links of interest regarding the church: (for the history of the church) (more photos of the church and Pittsburgh)
